The Niobrara Sanctuary offers extraordinary opportunities to see, hear and experience a diversity of Great Plains wildlife—in addition to the wonderful array of birds. Among the “mega fauna”, magnificent White-tailed Deer, for example, are a common sight across the Sanctuary and Mule Deer are also occasionally spotted. Some of the less frequently encountered species include Porcupines, White-tailed Jackrabbits, Kangaroo Rats, Beaver, Mink, and on rare occasions, even a Bobcat may be seen disappearing through cover in a canyon.
In a landscape with few other distractions, the sounds of many different species of wildlife can often be heard across the Sanctuary. Coyotes, for example, are frequently heard in the evening, often around sunset, and form part of a larger prairie orchestra that is truly unforgettable. Sometimes in the fall, bull elk can be heard bugling in the high hills and meadows across the Niobrara River. As documented in 2010 by tracks in the sand, the Sanctuary has even hosted one of the rarest species of all Great Plains wildlife–a Mountain Lion.* This regal cat was seen twice and photographed on a trail camera on adjoining property. Experiencing the activities and movements of wildlife, especially the more elusive species, is often most successful from the concealment of viewing blinds (or hides). Therefore, the Sanctuary offers a variety of blinds for both wildlife viewing and photography, and custom blinds can be designed and built upon request to meet the specific needs of wildlife photographers.
A stay at one of the Sanctuary’s guesthouses provides you the chance to experience the sights and sounds of prairie wildlife—at dawn or dusk, during night or day, and while hiking along trails, driving country roads or relaxing on your porch. As a guest at the Niobrara Sanctuary, your visit helps to sustain our efforts to conserve and restore this diversity of wildlife and the habitats they rely on.
*One region in the Great Plains, however, that does have a notable Mountain Lion population is the Black Hills of South Dakota. It’s important to note that millions of tourists annually visit the Black Hills and join area residents to hike, mountain climb, camp, fish and hunt in the same landscape. Like most wild animals, Mountain Lions prefer to avoid people and they are rarely encountered. This native cat has not caused a human fatality in South Dakota in the past century.
With diverse species and unique habitats, the Niobrara Sanctuary provides incredible opportunities for birders and others interested in birdlife. Native grasslands are one of the most threatened biomes in North America and the fragmentation of prairie landscapes and loss of habitat have had deleterious effects on grassland birds. Yet, native grasslands and wide-open prairies are what make the 5,000-acre Niobrara Sanctuary and much of the surrounding Nebraska Sandhills unique and vitally important.
For these reasons, the Niobrara Sanctuary emphasizes the conservation of grassland birds and their habitats and provides unique opportunities for guests to view, photograph and experience this birdlife. Visitors to the Sanctuary have the chance to see and hear the distinctive characteristics of Prairie Grouse, including Sharp-tailed Grouse and Greater Prairie-chickens. Bobolinks, Long-billed Curlews and Upland Sandpipers are also commonly seen throughout the grasslands and meadows of the Sanctuary. Throughout the spring and summer, guests to the property will likely hear the melodious song of Western Meadowlarks, accompanied by Dickcissels, Blue Grosbeaks, Eastern Phoebes, Barn Swallows and many other birds.
The mosaic of woodlands on the Sanctuary, in addition, also provide important habitat for birds. In particular, the tall woodlands and forests along the Niobrara River are a breeding habitat for Ovenbirds, a stop over for migrating Bald Eagles, a haven for wild turkeys and home to various other unique woodland species.
For birders and photographers, the Niobrara Sanctuary offers the opportunity to encounter a rich array of birdlife throughout diverse and unique habitats. Guests can watch or photograph birds from a variety of viewing blinds (hides) across the property, and throughout the year, the sanctuary designs special blinds that offer guests the chance to intimately experience events like Sharp-tailed Grouse booming and mating rituals. The diversity of birdlife can also be enjoyed from the many hiking trails and walking paths on the sanctuary, alongside the network of country roads in the area, or from the guesthouses.
The prairies and meadows of the Sanctuary provide a colorful mosaic of wildflowers and a rich diversity of plants. For those interested in plant identification, botany or wildflower photography, the Sanctuary holds opportunities to see rare and unique species, the chance to experience the vastness of prairie landscapes, and the unique opportunity to be a part of and contribute to the restoration of native wildflower and prairie plant communities.
Horseback Riding
The Sanctuary offers wide open pastures, trails descending toward steep densely wooded canyons, lush wet meadows, along with spectacular views from tall bluffs overlooking the Niobrara River valley. With a wet spring, the pastures are filled with a magnificent variety of wildflowers and grassland birds. To ride these pastures on a swift gaited horse is a trail riders dream.